Health assessments play an important role in population health, both in screening for risk and providing an opportunity for early intervention.
We offer Health Assessments for our patients over 75 years of age. These assessments are encouraged, as they provide a comprehensive review of health.
A health assessment of an older person is an in-depth assessment of a patient aged 75 years and over. It provides a structured way of identifying health issues and conditions that are potentially preventable or amenable to interventions in order to improve health and/or quality of life.
The purpose of this health assessment is to help identify any risk factors exhibited by an elderly patient that may require further health management. In addition to assessing a person’s health status, a health assessment is used to identify a broad range of factors that influence a person’s physical, psychological and social functioning.
Doctors at OFP can also provide assessment of a patients aged 45 to 49 years (inclusive) with the risk of developing a chronic* medical condition and have one or more chronic disease risk factors.
A health assessment at this stage of life can assist patients to make the necessary lifestyle changes to prevent or delay the onset of chronic disease.
* Chronic disease risk factors
A chronic disease or condition is one that has been, or is likely to be present for at least six months, including (but not limited to) asthma, cancer, cardiovascular illness, diabetes mellitus, a mental health condition, arthritis or a musculoskeletal condition.
The decision that a patient is at risk of developing a chronic disease is a clinical judgement made by the GP. However, at least one risk factor must be identified. Risk factors that the GP may consider include, but are not limited to:
Our practice provides management plans that enable doctors to plan and coordinate the health care of patients with chronic or terminal medical conditions.
A chronic medical condition is one that has been (or is likely to be) present for six months or longer, for example, asthma, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, musculoskeletal conditions and stroke.
If you have a chronic condition, with or without complex care needs, a GP Management Plan will enable your GP to provide a structured approach to your care. It is a plan of action in which you agree management goals with your GP. Once you have a GP Management Plan in place, you are able to access up to five allied health services each calendar year.